Putting user research at the heart of TfL Digital’s programme
After completing a stint as Interim UX Manager at TfL, I was asked by the Head of Digital to stay on and start a formal programme of user experience research. We both felt that this would help TfL Digital succeed in its vision “to deliver digital experiences as good as the best retail and service organisations”.
At the time, the Digital team was located at grade 2 listed 55 Broadway, above St. James’s Park station. It is a beautiful Art Deco building and has a shortage of meeting space. I was offered a meeting room to be used exclusively as a research lab, but preferred to assemble a mobile research lab instead. This would allow us to conduct research anywhere, and easily set up an observation room in an adjacent room, with no impact on the building infrastructure or availability of meeting spaces.
Having set this up, I promoted the research programme to business engagement managers and team leads, who were then able to incorporate user research into their project plans. A few example projects are listed below. One of the most satisfying things about researching for TfL is that so many Londoners are engaged in the subject matter - as a result, it is a real pleasure to conduct guerrilla research and relatively few potential participants refuse to talk to you.
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